A Dollar A Door

A Fundraising Campaign to Support Legislative Engagement

By Contributing One Dollar Per Household...
...Your community can have a voice in the DC Council!

This is your opportunity to get involved and stay informed.

How Will Your Dollar Work for You?
The legislation that the DCLAC monitors, supports, or opposes and

has influenced legislation on topics including:

A complete overhaul of the DC Condominium Act; 
Board and committee operations; and
Covenant and rules enforcement.

The DCLAC is now beginning on legislation to help Homeowners Associations in the District.  We are also representing the interests of all community associations in addressing Councilwoman Anita Bond's 2015 DC Condominium Owner Bill of Rights.

These efforts take time and require financial resources. Your contributions directly fund DCLAC lobbying efforts.  Become an active participant in this group by

donating ONE DOLLAR per door today.
Take ACTION.  DONATE today!

Must Each Household Donate a Dollar?  
“A Dollar a Door” is a suggested donation, but any contribution is welcome.  Though it may seem a small amount, every dollar truly makes a difference. 

To have the greatest impact, make a contribution today AND

include regular donations in your Association’s annual budget. 

Are Our Donations to  the DCLAC Considered Political?  
The DCLAC is a nonpartisan, volunteer group. As such, contributions to the DCLAC may neither be considered political donations nor be construed to violate limitations on spending authority found in many association governing documents.  If you have questions, please consult your Association’s legal counsel. 

Please CLICK HERE to access the donation form for instructions.  You can also donate online at www.caionline.org/LACDonate (select option “Washington, DC”)


support for the dclac

DC Legislative Action Committee